Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Unbelievable, just when I think that I've seen, felt or experienced everything I'm surprised with something else that happens in my life. Today I talked to Billy about getting payed for the Zumba class that I taught on sat. and she pretty much said that there wasn't money to pay me and then Shay went on to explain to me that I should have known that I was working only as a volunteer. REALLY people, how am I supposed to know that I'm working as a volunteer if NO ONE tells me that, even after I talked about 3 times with Shay about how to clock in so that I can get payed. and she NEVER mentioned anything to me about being a volunteer... Can you tell by the way I'm writing that I'm pretty upset????????????
And then I go on facebook and this r_ _ _ _ _ ed old roommate of mine as taken me off her list of friends - after MANY years of me putting up  up with her crappy personality, and still making an effort to buy her new baby a present, looking her up and giving her the present when I had very little time in Utah (visiting family). So I wrote her a message (a pretty mild one bc I don't really like being mean to people or telling them everything that is on my mind) asking her if she still wants to be friends with me. But honestly what I feel like doing is just calling her up and having a very honest talk over the phone with her...
Ok, I just talked to my AWESOME husband who helped me understand and realize a few good things and I am feeling better. I love him so much. He truly is my BEST FRIEND and I know that we are a perfect match.
Life is still good. Not always fair, but it's good.
I am thankful for:
-good friends at work (like Kristen and Jolyn)
-my good husband who listens to me, is honest with me and has been a good example of scripture study, journal writing, and personal prayer
-for Gabi's sweetness, for her desire to dance zumba with me, for her great/amazing sense of humor (she can laugh at anything), and I'm thankful that she is so kind to Tiago - she is the PERFECT big sister to him, never hurts him, shares her stuff with him, plays with him, etc
-for Tiago's hugs. I absolutely love the way he puts his arms around my neck and just cuddles with me. I am also thankful that he lest me drown him with kisses : )
-for the opportunity to teach gospel doctrine again next Sunday!!!!!
- for the lessons that the Lord is trying to teach me. - Heavenly Father, I'm trying hard to learn. I'm sorry if I'm selfish and prideful so often. I know that I need to get better.
-for the gift I've received from the Lord to teach zumba in circuit, at Curves, and that those ladies like me and my style.
-that I've been feeling healthy lately
-for my home that looks cute and feels comfortable
It's time to go to bed now.

always your Ninhas

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