Thursday, November 29, 2012

Give what you want to receive

Give What You Want to Receive
We all want things in life.
And I’d even venture to say that you are worthy of them.
Now you may not be attracting what you want...or at least as fast as you would like, right?
James Allen, author of legendary book, “As A Man Thinketh” has taught that “we attract what we are, not what we want.”
Read that again...we attract what we are, not what we want.
I read this to interpret that having what we want in life has everything to do with how we’re being, how we’re showing up, the mirror effect, or even perhaps the concept of karma at play.
All too often when we are in a “wanting” stage - we start to feel anxious, sometimes even desperate for that very thing to happen, to come to us. We turn from anticipation to anguish, which energetically we’re putting off the wrong vibe - make sense?
So in applying James Allen’s wisdom, to attract what we want, we must be what we want....and I believe the fastest way to get there is to give what we want to receive.
Let’s say we want more love & appreciation from our significant other, a parent, a friend - what if we proactively offered that love & appreciation...?
Or what if we’d like to feel more financially wealthy & abundant? Perhaps we take food to the local shelter, buy someone a bagel behind us in line, or write a gratitude list for the current comforts we have...?
In other words, we model abundance as if that is already our life.
Ivin Misner, BNI International Founder, calls it “Give to Gain.”
When we show up with value, we get valued.
See, what I’m really suggesting is that we proactively become the result, the energetic karmic match for what you’re wanting to experience in your, income, sales, peace, etc.
So what will you do today?
  • Compliment your spouse? Fix their favorite meal? Tuck a sweet note in their book?
  • Buy someone a gift, rake the neighbors leaves, or donate to your local food bank?
  • Send a referral to a friend? Endorse someone’s services you’re pleased with?
  • Think kinder thoughts, forgive, allow others - especially YOURSELF - off the perfectionistic police path?
When we become in alignment with what we want, we naturally and with simple ease attract what we want because we are that which we are projecting ourselves.
You are worthy of your desires...go simply be the desire for someone else and watch the magic happen.
To receive your own free ebook copy of “As a Man Thinketh” by James Allen you can go to

Question for U?
Do you know what you want out of life?

contents of this entry taken mostly from 

Monday, November 26, 2012

Oils that help w/ feelings of insecutity

Which essential oils assist with 
feelings of insecurity and feeling unlovable?
Lovable: Having qualities that attract affection

Bergamot - teaches us to let go of self-judgment and move into a space
of self love and acceptance. By learning to love ourselves unconditionally, we gain the courage to share our genuine thoughts and feelings. Bergamot reassures us that we are lovable for who we really are.

Cassia- assists those of us who hold back or hide. It helps us see our value and potential. Cassia restores confidence and self assurance, allowing us to live from our authentic self. (a little side note on Cassia - It smells AMAZING and tastes oh so good!)

Lavender- Lavender addresses deep fears of being seen and heard. It calms the insecurities that cause us to block our self-expression. Lavender helps us see that it is through open and honest expression that we experience unconditional love and acceptance.

This is a link to Doterra's Living Magazine for Fall

Some of my favorite articles are on pg. 10 to 14 about how some oils can work as a brain booster, homework help, or for better behavior (it's a "back to school" section), I also enjoyed reading a successful story on loosing weight using slim & sassy on pg.6.

Question for U: What do you do to solve feelings of  'I'm not good enough'?

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Lessons from a Donkey! & Happy Thanksgiving

Enjoy Thanksgiving & make use of the oils  to renew you:
coriander to balance blood sugar,

on guard to build back up the immune system, if it's suppressed by sugar, overeating, lack of sleep :),

 cassia is both beautiful and powerful to diffuse as we enter this season! And it helps you feel love for self

Celebrate all the blessings you have in your life, the faces of your family and friends & all the amazing tools we've been given to help them!

Lessons from a Donkey

One day a farmer's donkey fell down into a well. The animal cried piteously for
hours as the farmer tried to figure out what to do. Finally, he decided the animal was old, and the well needed to be covered up anyway; it just wasn't worth it to retrieve the donkey.

He invited all his neighbors to come over and help him. They all grabbed a shovel and began to shovel dirt into the well. At first, the donkey realized what was happening and cried horribly. Then, to everyone's amazement he quieted down.

A few shovel loads later, the farmer finally looked down the well. He was astonished at what he saw. With each shovel of dirt that hit his back, the donkey was doing something amazing. He would shake it off and take a step up.

As the farmer's neighbors continued to shovel dirt on top of the animal, he would shake it off and take a step up. Pretty soon, everyone was amazed as the donkey stepped up over the edge of the well and happily trotted off!


Life is going to shovel dirt on you, all kinds of dirt. The trick to getting out of the well is to shake it off and take a step up. Each of our troubles is a steppingstone. We can get out of the deepest wells just by not stopping, never giving up! Shake it off and take a step up.

Remember the five simple rules to be happy:

1. Free your heart from hatred - Forgive.

2. Free your mind from worries - Most never happens.

3. Live simply and appreciate what you have.

4. Give more.

5. Expect less from people but more from yourself.

We always have the choice to be victim or victor.
So next time it feels as if you are in that well with no chance of being freed, think of the little donkey that refused to accept that his circumstances were beyond his control; he didn’t give up and he didn’t give in, and you don’t have to either!

Question for U:
• How can you move from being a victim to being in charge of your own mind, choices or mindset?
• What small changes can you make this week to move yourself forward or take charge of your situation?

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Pain - how can DoTerra help?

•Everyone will experience PAIN.
•50 % of ER visits are PAIN related.
•More than 100 million Americans suffer from chronic PAIN.
•PAIN costs $600 billion a year in medical treatments and lost productivity.

The purpose of pain is to warn you of impending injury, or injury that has already occurred. There's 2 types of pain: acute pain (is a defense mechanism, we need it) and chronic pain (from too much inflammation in our bodies).

What are some of the problems of medicine? Are they masking symptoms or getting to the root of the problem?

“The biggest and fastest growing part of American’s drug problem is prescription drug abuse.”
–National Institute on Drug Abuse

“The number of overdose deaths from pain killers more than tripled from 1999 to 2006.”
–Pharmacoepidemiology & Drug Safety

There is something we can do...
-The Life Long Vitality Pack is a specific set of nutritional supplements done by the doTERRA company described in this way, "Alpha CRS+™, xEO Mega®, and Microplex VMz which are a comprehensive dietary supplement program of essential nutrients and energy factors for lifelong vitality and wellness."

-THIS IS DOTERRA'S #1 PRODUCT! Taking the LLV has changed my life (read about it here). In fact, the company feels so strongly about this product that you can return the bottles empty in 30 days and they'll give you your money back if you are not satisfied (out of thousands of orders over the last 4 years less than 16-20 have been returned).

-More people have gotten off their over the counter medication by using this product than by using anything else! It feeds your body perfectly.
You can buy it at retail price or for even less than retail if you buy it through the Loyalty Rewards Program (because you'll get points to use for free product!) Contact Doterra's Customer Service (800-411-8151) and they'll help you set up your order.

-The LLV supplements does 3 main things for you:
1) it brings down the level of imflamation in your body - this in turn bri ngs down the chronic pain. There's 6 anti-inflamatories in LLV ( all natural, from plants).
2) it increases your energy because it feeds your body the right nutrients from vitamins and minerals (things that are very hard for our bodies to get with today's poor nutrition). As our body is fed perfectly our mood is naturally enhanced and there's less feelings of depression.
3) increases cellular rejuvenation (meaning healthier brain function, healthier skin, living with more vitality, less sickness).

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

I love you so much it hurts!

 É Isso Aí 
É isso aí
Como a gente achou que ia ser
A vida tão simples é boa
Quase sempre
É isso ai
Os passos vão pelas ruas
Ninguém reparou na lua
A vida sempre continua

E eu não sei para de te olhar
eu não sei parar de te olhar
Não vou parar de te olhar
Eu não me canso de olhar
Não sei parar
De te olhar

É isso ai
Há quem acredita em milagres
Há quem cometa maldade
Há quem não saiba dizer a verdade

É isso ai
Um vendedor de flores
Ensinar seus filhos a escolher seus amores

Eu não sei parar de te olhar
Não sei parar de te olhar
Não vou parar de te olhar
Eu não me canso de olhar
Não vou parar de te olhar

Meu Eu em Você

Eu sou o brilho dos seus olhos ao me olhar
Sou o teu sorriso ao ganhar um beijo meu
Eu sou o teu corpo inteiro a se arrepiar
Quando em meus braços você se acolheu
Eu sou o teu segreto mais oculto
Teu desejo mais profundo
Teu querer
Tua fome de prazer sem disfarçar
Sou tua fonte de alegria
Sou o teu sonhar
Eu sou a tua sombra
Eu sou teu guia
Sou teu luar em plena luz do dia
Eu sou a tua pele
Sou teu calor
Eu sou teu cheiro a perfumar o nosso amor
Eu sou tua saudade reprimida
Sou o teu sangrar ao ver minha partida
Sou o teu peito a apelar, gritar de dor
Ao se ver ainda mais distante do meu amor
Eu sou teu ego
Tua alma
Sou teu céu
O teu inferno
A tua calma
Eu sou teu tudo
Sou teu nada
Sou apenas a tua amada
Eu sou teu mundo
Sou teu poder
Sou tua vida
Sou meu eu em você

Fico assim sem voce
Avião sem asa, fogueira sem brasa
Sou eu assim sem você
Futebol sem bola,
Piu-piu sem Frajola
Sou eu assim sem você

Por que é que tem que ser assim

Se o meu desejo não tem fim
Eu te quero a todo instante
Nem mil alto-falantes
Vão poder falar por mim

Amor sem beijinho

Buchecha sem Claudinho
Sou eu assim sem você
Circo sem palhaço
Namoro sem amasso
Sou eu assim sem você

Tô louca pra te ver chegar

Tô louca pra te ter nas mãos
Deitar no teu abraço
Retomar o pedaço
Que falta no meu coração

Eu não existo longe de você
E a solidão é o meu pior castigo
Eu conto as horas
Pra poder te ver
Mas o relógio tá de mal comigo

Por quê? Por quê?

Neném sem chupeta

Romeu sem Julieta
Sou eu assim sem você
Carro sem estrada
Queijo sem goiabada
Sou eu assim sem você

Por que é que tem que ser assim

Se o meu desejo não tem fim
Eu te quero a todo instante
Nem mil alto-falantes
vão poder falar por mim

Eu não existo longe de você

E a solidão é o meu pior castigo
Eu conto as horas pra poder te ver
Mas o relógio tá de mal comigo (2x) 


I can't stop loving you