Thursday, July 25, 2013

What is your dream?

What is my dream?

How will I achieve it?

The first question may be difficult to answer. It seems like I have many dreams. Yet, there must be one that stands out above all that inspires me, energizes me, and empowers me to do everything I can to achieve it.

The second question is the reason most people never realize their dreams. They have no strategy in place for attaining it, no knowledge of what is needed and must be sometimes sacrificed to have the dream come true.

I need to make a list, or at least write down an idea of what my dream is. If I can't identify it then it'll never come true right? I won't even know what it is I'm working on... There's a saying... somewhat like: a boat without a destination will never... wait, it's this: Without goals, and plans to reach them, you are like a ship that has set sail with no destination.”, A sailor without a destination cannot hope for a favorable wind., and No Wind Blows in Favor of a Ship Without Direction,”
I'm certain that everyone else has this desire too. They have a dream and want it to come true.  I'm sure you hope it will. But will you actually do it? What odds would you give yourself? One in five? One in a hundred? One in a million? How can you tell whether your chances are good or whether your dream will always remain exactly that—a dream?

Most people have no idea how to achieve their dreams. What they possess is a vague notion that there is something they would like to do someday or someone they would like to become. But they don't know how to get from here to there.
I'm trying to have this become clearer to me. I need Father's help in doing so.
I know that I want to be happy, and healthy. And I would love to help others feel truly happy and healthy too.
We'll see. I have an idea... now it's about taking the steps to materialize that idea... We'll see.
Life is wonderful. God is wonderful to me.

40 day CHALLENGE: gratitude & meditation. Day 1

I read today that for real spiritual change to happen you need to keep a new habit for 40 days... and something related to the fact that Jesus fasted for 40 days.
So, I'm going to give it a try :) 
We'll see if I keep up with it or if this will be another one of those 'goals' of mine where I start on fire, and 3 to 5 days later forget all about it!?!?!
Gratitude list:
-I'm so thankful that I now have 3 children. There was a time when I thought that I could never handle 3; the thought of having 3 scared me - it meant more kids than grown-ups in the house, it also meant another year or more of very little sleeping, of trying to figure out the needs of a human being that can't use words to express himself (Tiago and Gabi are at least able to tell me their basic needs now), and the list goes on - but what I'm trying to accomplish here is listing the GOOD STUFF right? Anyway, Lucas is an Angel, a blessing, a unique opportunity for me to grow. He gives me so much more than he takes. And although it has been a sacrifice (of my emotional well being, sleep, body, time, money, etc) it's been so worthwhile, so magical and so GOOOOOOOD.
-I'm thankful for good friends- the type that really care, that make me feel comfortable with showing my imperfections/doubts/fears/insecurities/shortcomings. I 'KNOW' so many people, and believe I'm loved by many, but I don't have a whole lot of friends that I can really just call 2 or 3 times a year and talk for hours on the phone as if we had stayed in touch every single day. Some of the good friends I am thankful for at this moment are Jay, Erin, Danelle, Vania, Mae, Pai.
-I'm so grateful for the Lords kindness and for the miracles that keep happening in our lives; namely the divine guidance in finding our new home. The location, the size, the price, the backyard, the layout of the house, the timing... everything is perfect, a complete miracle/blessing from my Kind Father who loves me. Not that my life is perfect and free from pain or worry; but sometimes the Lord is so kind to me that I actually have a hard time believing in what is happening. He is so good!
- I'm thankful for Mae e Pai. There were times, when I was growing up that I asked Father why I had to have been born to these parents. I didn't understand them and it seemed like they didn't understand me. But oh how that has changed. They are not perfect, yet they are perfect for me. I am thankful that I get to talk to them almost daily through skype. they are my parents and they are my friends.
-I'm thankful that Jay knows about my weaknesses and still loves me. And that we have the type of relationship where we don't use each-other's faults to...
-I'm thankful for the gift of hearing - I LOOOOOOOVE hearing the girly, sweet voice of Gabi, the baby boy laughter of Lucas, and the little boy screams of Tiago. I love listening to calm music and to the birds outside my bathroom window every single morning. Jay sees patients every day that have some type of hearing loss. I will be thankful for my hearing for as long as I hear :)
- I am so thankful for my Maesinha's sense of humor. I'll tell her something simple that happened in my day and she'll just laugh, and laugh... it makes me smile when I hear her laugh. I pray that Father will soon bless me with the same type of sense of humor that my Mother has.

I think that's all for today. Before going to bed I want to meditate for a little while, look at my vision board and say some positive affirmations.
Life is good!

Monday, July 22, 2013


 AromaTouch; The Circulation Oil 

“I’m skeptical,” said a mom at a class in Canada. Suddenly, a blood curdling scream echoes from the back room. Her boy, who was playing had gotten his foot caught in the hide-a-bed sofa. The result was a black-and-blue foot with swelling coming on fast and a slight abrasion and indentation to the skin. The sight, aided by the sound of a boy in trauma, had everyone scrambling and questioning for a solution. “Let’s use AromaTouch,” I said. I had mom take her hand and massage the oil into his foot. The boy stopped crying instantly and within seconds we all watched as the discoloration faded before our eyes. “Did you see that!” she yelled. I added Frankincense to aide with the inflammation and Lavender to calm the child and the skin. Within 15 minutes, the boy was running around the house as if nothing had happened. There were no visible signs of the accident on his foot. At that moment, another mom was converted to the power of essential oils and another Healer was Empowered in another Home.

(taken directly from Edge Team newsletter)