Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Doing well

Jay is still gone... the children are more emotional as the days go by... they miss their Papa. He'll be home in a few days.
Even though I am really really tired our days have gone by without stress and without too many complications :) I'm thankful that I don't feel alone. I know that Father is helping me, and I'm blessed with a few good friends = human angels.
Today I ate really healthy stuff and I feel happy and proud of myself.
I juiced 3 large carrots, a head of celery, 2 apples and some lemon. I made my own almond milk and drank it with some cocoa (my version of super duper healthy hot chocolate!!!!) - D E L I C I O U S
I also made a 'raw dessert' with the almond pulp left from making almond milk: almond pulp, a little agave, and one banana and 3 dates blended with a little water as a syrup on top of it :)
Jessica came over to invite us to go to the park with her kids - I wonder if she read this one article about what things you should say to someone who suffers from depression (I posted it on FB!!!) This article mentions that although we (sufferers of depression) know that sunshine and a nice walk would be beneficial we just won't do it, and that those who care about us should invite us to go to the park :) she's a good friend and she's invited me to the park a bunch of times :)
After the park we went over to her house for dinner, and Gabi picked a big bouquet of Lavender flowers from our front yard to take and give to her.
I'm feeling well.
Thank you Father.

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