Thursday, April 12, 2012


Yesterday I went to a meeting.
There were over 20 people at that meeting.
Everyone there had received a gift previously with the direction to do certain things related to that gift.
When asked how many people had 'done' what they were supposed to have done, guess how many people raised their hand?
And I couldn't help but think: Come on people! Act on life instead of waiting for life to act upon you.

"The Universe doesn't pay you for what you know, it pays you for what you do." 

It is time we become doers. If we want the benefits, blessings, prosperity, gain (you name it) that is out there we need to stop being passive passengers in the train of life. And we must commit to being actively "engaged in a good cause", moving forward, putting our knowledge to action! Act people! Sitting and waiting for happiness (or whatever it is that you desire) to come to you is NOT HOW IT WORKS.

we can choose to:
1. Be positive or negative;
2. Be happy or sad;
3. Be caring or mean;
4. Be enthusiastic or dull;
5. Be ambitious or lazy;
6. Be goal-directed or adrift;
7. Be green and growing or ripe and rotting;
8. Focus on what we can do or what we can’t do;
9. Help or hurt;
10. Build up or tear down;
11. Keep the main thing the main thing or do the wrong things;
12. Act our way to a new set of feelings or be frozen with procrastination or fear;
13. Take responsibility for our actions or make excuses;
14. Look for ways to learn and improve or be satisfied with the status quo;
15. Have fun or be glum;
16. Unleash someone’s potential or squash it;
17. Do our best or settle for good enough;
18. Encourage or discourage;
19. Help people be right or point out how and why they are wrong;
20. Expect, encourage & embrace change or resist change.

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