Thursday, September 4, 2014

Shine bright and live life

taken entirely from:




"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is."
                                                      ~Albert Einstein

The likelihood of you ever occurring is inconceivably small. Therefore, you are, by definition, a miracle, and we are designed to create miracles.

There is no legitimate reason for ANY human to settle for a life less than what they desire. So how is it, then, that decade after decade the research continues to reflect that 80% of us are far less than satisfied with the life we are living? The only rational conclusion to make from that data is that somehow we have been collectively convinced to believe that what we want is not available to us and that we need to settle for less.

The great news? We are the authorities of our minds and we can rewrite any story – reprogram any belief. We can rewire our brains to SERVE us. With some consistent practice, we can develop the discipline, or Mental Toughness, to do what it takes to create the life of our dreams, and to have an absolute blast doing it.

It’s very encouraging that it has been perpetually true that all research on the subject and all of my observation on human peak performance indicates that having fun is intelligent! The better I feel, the better I AM – at everything. So I have great incentive to invest in becoming an Emotional Warrior. As I master the art of elevating my psychological states, I consistently activate all the learning centers of my brain and, consequently, creating excellence gets progressively easier.

We got into the big party. Life. We scored! We have already pulled off the most improbable event conceivable. Let’s create miracles!

The Top 10 Big Ideas

Start your free trial to join Chris Dorris going into detail on the 10 Big Ideas for this class PLUS get access to hundreds of other classes (by hundreds of other extraordinary teachers) to help you optimize every aspect of your life!
  1. 1

    You’re an Incomprehensible Improbability. Own That.

    If you gave 2 million people a single dice with one TRILLION faces on it – meaning instead of 1-6, the dice all have every number between 1 and 1 trillion on them – and you have everyone roll the dice at the same time, and all 2 million dice came up the same number…that’s the odds of you happening. The brain can’t even get that math. The number of atoms in the known cosmos is about 10 to the 80th power. The odds of you happening? 1 in 10 to the 2.7 millionth power! Get that? Of course you don’t. It’s an incomprehensible number. Let’s just call it zero. Congratulations. You’re kind of a big deal.

  2. 2

    STOP! And Ask the Question

    The first step in creating a miraculous life is to first define what that means to you. Most people will go through their entire lives without sitting down to really reflect upon the question, “How do I most profoundly want to use the rest of my life?”

  3. 3

    Goals are Weak

    A goal is a decision awaiting its upgrade. And you’re the one who will issue the upgrade. A goal leaves the door open for the possibility of failure. Decisions don’t.

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    If you are the least bit reluctant to let the world know what you’ve decided, then you ain’t ALL IN! The more willing I am to declare my dream aloud, to anyone - with the same degree of “as a matter of fact-ness” as I would if I was telling them what time of day it was – the more committed I am AND the more accountable I am. We have to get past the notion that declaring our greatest desires aloud is a bold thing.

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    Back That Up!

    You really only need to have 3 things in order to create your dream life. The first is CLARITY – so you can decide. The second is COURAGE – so you can declare. And this is the third thing – DISCIPLINE – to do what it takes.

    If any of those three are missing, you got no game.

    The DISCIPLINE is the Mental Toughness or Psychological Strength to take sustained masterful action, especially in the face of “adversity” (If you believe in that stuff), so that your dream becomes your reality. We need brain training to get the discipline. We need to fill our Mental Toughness Toolbox so that we are equipped to interpret every circumstance as a golden opportunity to create miracles.

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    Become an Emotional Warrior

    Elevate the state – don’t wait. State governs all. Get amazing at being pumped. Nuf said.

  7. 7


    The practice of Mental Toughness is the practice of freeing yourself from the conditioning of your past that would have you play small. It’s the practice of freeing yourself from the limiting beliefs you’ve picked up along the way, that reside in your mind, and have you suffer needlessly.

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    Live Above the “O”, Yo!

    We are perpetually interpreting our reality in one of three ways: debilitating, neutral or inspiring. By upgrading our interpretations of reality, we are living above the “Observation Line”, or the “O-Line.” That’s where the miracles happen.

  9. 9

    ALL IN! Has a Short Shelf Life

    So does everything. We live in a universe that is characterized by impermanence. Everything fades. Including your commitment or your decision. Good news? You can re-decide. Everyday. As if for the first time.

  10. 10

    By the Way, None of This is Necessary. Just Sayin’.

    Needlessness is good. Lightness of being is smart. Creating your life is something we “GET” to do. We are all expressions of Divine Grace in human form. We’re good as we are. Perfect, in fact. So why do any of this? For fun. Let ENTHUSIASM be the driver.

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