My goal is to enjoy good health and to bring true happiness and peace into our lives.
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Back to Life International
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Monday, September 22, 2014
I'm glad that i am healthy, that my kids are healthy too. I am suffering from allergies, but I think it's related to the fact that I've been eating too much white flour products and dairy (in the form of cheese and some yogurt). I have a strong feeling that if I cut these out of my diet my allergies will disappear.
I'm glad that I got to help Nina with Spanish today. We had our first tutoring session.
Im thanful that we had a great FHE talking about the commandments and that Haylee and Bryce came to join us.
I am glad that I was able to do the dishes, get the kitchen cleaned up, do a lot of laundry and get the clothes sorted out. My kids were awesome and helped me hand up all of their clothes. They are wonderful and I love them so much - but it is hard to deal with all the whining and the complaining too at times.
I want to pay more attention to Lucas as he is home alone with me.
I know that Father is aware of me. I know He loves me.
I'm thankful that I got to read the BM and listen to a general conference talk.
I'm trying to find a little side job so I can make some extra money from home.
I also want to practice and learn first of all, the aroma touch therapy massage and bless other people with it. I should set a goal to learn it and massage 5 people by the end of October.
I'm so happy that Happy is with our family. He is such a good doggie and he does make me feel loved. He follows me everywhere. He likes to show his affection toward me.
I'm thankful that we have such a nice and comfortable home. I'm thankful that God guided us to this house, I love our neighbors, love our new friends, love our ward, love the park by our house, love our location.
I'm thankful that my children are learning well and fast at school. I'm so thankful that they have wonderful teachers who care and who know what they are doing. So thankful for them.
Today i ate healthy. I'm thankful that I'm learning to respect my body and that little by little I can nourish it and develop my spiritual gifts as my body feels and looks cleaner.
Life is good.
Thank You Heavenly Father.
I'm glad that I got to help Nina with Spanish today. We had our first tutoring session.
Im thanful that we had a great FHE talking about the commandments and that Haylee and Bryce came to join us.
I am glad that I was able to do the dishes, get the kitchen cleaned up, do a lot of laundry and get the clothes sorted out. My kids were awesome and helped me hand up all of their clothes. They are wonderful and I love them so much - but it is hard to deal with all the whining and the complaining too at times.
I want to pay more attention to Lucas as he is home alone with me.
I know that Father is aware of me. I know He loves me.
I'm thankful that I got to read the BM and listen to a general conference talk.
I'm trying to find a little side job so I can make some extra money from home.
I also want to practice and learn first of all, the aroma touch therapy massage and bless other people with it. I should set a goal to learn it and massage 5 people by the end of October.
I'm so happy that Happy is with our family. He is such a good doggie and he does make me feel loved. He follows me everywhere. He likes to show his affection toward me.
I'm thankful that we have such a nice and comfortable home. I'm thankful that God guided us to this house, I love our neighbors, love our new friends, love our ward, love the park by our house, love our location.
I'm thankful that my children are learning well and fast at school. I'm so thankful that they have wonderful teachers who care and who know what they are doing. So thankful for them.
Today i ate healthy. I'm thankful that I'm learning to respect my body and that little by little I can nourish it and develop my spiritual gifts as my body feels and looks cleaner.
Life is good.
Thank You Heavenly Father.
Friday, September 12, 2014
Thursday, September 4, 2014
Shine bright and live life
taken entirely from:
"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is."~Albert Einstein
The likelihood of you ever occurring is inconceivably small. Therefore, you are, by definition, a miracle, and we are designed to create miracles.
There is no legitimate reason for ANY human to settle for a life less than what they desire. So how is it, then, that decade after decade the research continues to reflect that 80% of us are far less than satisfied with the life we are living? The only rational conclusion to make from that data is that somehow we have been collectively convinced to believe that what we want is not available to us and that we need to settle for less.
The great news? We are the authorities of our minds and we can rewrite any story – reprogram any belief. We can rewire our brains to SERVE us. With some consistent practice, we can develop the discipline, or Mental Toughness, to do what it takes to create the life of our dreams, and to have an absolute blast doing it.
It’s very encouraging that it has been perpetually true that all research on the subject and all of my observation on human peak performance indicates that having fun is intelligent! The better I feel, the better I AM – at everything. So I have great incentive to invest in becoming an Emotional Warrior. As I master the art of elevating my psychological states, I consistently activate all the learning centers of my brain and, consequently, creating excellence gets progressively easier.
We got into the big party. Life. We scored! We have already pulled off the most improbable event conceivable. Let’s create miracles!
The Top 10 Big Ideas
Start your free trial to join Chris Dorris going into detail on the 10 Big Ideas for this class PLUS get access to hundreds of other classes (by hundreds of other extraordinary teachers) to help you optimize every aspect of your life!-
You’re an Incomprehensible Improbability. Own That.
If you gave 2 million people a single dice with one TRILLION faces on it – meaning instead of 1-6, the dice all have every number between 1 and 1 trillion on them – and you have everyone roll the dice at the same time, and all 2 million dice came up the same number…that’s the odds of you happening. The brain can’t even get that math. The number of atoms in the known cosmos is about 10 to the 80th power. The odds of you happening? 1 in 10 to the 2.7 millionth power! Get that? Of course you don’t. It’s an incomprehensible number. Let’s just call it zero. Congratulations. You’re kind of a big deal.
STOP! And Ask the Question
The first step in creating a miraculous life is to first define what that means to you. Most people will go through their entire lives without sitting down to really reflect upon the question, “How do I most profoundly want to use the rest of my life?”
Goals are Weak
A goal is a decision awaiting its upgrade. And you’re the one who will issue the upgrade. A goal leaves the door open for the possibility of failure. Decisions don’t.
If you are the least bit reluctant to let the world know what you’ve decided, then you ain’t ALL IN! The more willing I am to declare my dream aloud, to anyone - with the same degree of “as a matter of fact-ness” as I would if I was telling them what time of day it was – the more committed I am AND the more accountable I am. We have to get past the notion that declaring our greatest desires aloud is a bold thing.
Back That Up!
You really only need to have 3 things in order to create your dream life. The first is CLARITY – so you can decide. The second is COURAGE – so you can declare. And this is the third thing – DISCIPLINE – to do what it takes.
If any of those three are missing, you got no game.
The DISCIPLINE is the Mental Toughness or Psychological Strength to take sustained masterful action, especially in the face of “adversity” (If you believe in that stuff), so that your dream becomes your reality. We need brain training to get the discipline. We need to fill our Mental Toughness Toolbox so that we are equipped to interpret every circumstance as a golden opportunity to create miracles.
Become an Emotional Warrior
Elevate the state – don’t wait. State governs all. Get amazing at being pumped. Nuf said.
The practice of Mental Toughness is the practice of freeing yourself from the conditioning of your past that would have you play small. It’s the practice of freeing yourself from the limiting beliefs you’ve picked up along the way, that reside in your mind, and have you suffer needlessly.
Live Above the “O”, Yo!
We are perpetually interpreting our reality in one of three ways: debilitating, neutral or inspiring. By upgrading our interpretations of reality, we are living above the “Observation Line”, or the “O-Line.” That’s where the miracles happen.
ALL IN! Has a Short Shelf Life
So does everything. We live in a universe that is characterized by impermanence. Everything fades. Including your commitment or your decision. Good news? You can re-decide. Everyday. As if for the first time.
By the Way, None of This is Necessary. Just Sayin’.
Needlessness is good. Lightness of being is smart. Creating your life is something we “GET” to do. We are all expressions of Divine Grace in human form. We’re good as we are. Perfect, in fact. So why do any of this? For fun. Let ENTHUSIASM be the driver.
Saturday, July 5, 2014
I am thankful
I am feeling a little uneasy... I'm not sure why. I want to feel peace in my heart and I want to be the happy, energetic Ana that I was a few years ago.
I am thankful that I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. With this membership I am blessed with friends that I would otherwise never meet. I am also blessed with a support group (I'm thankful that when I need help, if I'm sick, or need to go to a doc apt there are friends that I trust that will watch my children for me).
I am thankful for frienldy faces at the park during the 4th of July.
I am thankful for the body that God has given me. I want to take good care of it, and respect it for two reasons: 1 - so that I can keep learning and enjoying a happy healthy life in this body; the 2nd is so that I can show Heavenly Father my appreciation and gratitude for the body He created for me.
I am so thankful for Tiago's laughter!!! He is such a happy kid, with such a big heart. He gets on my nerves quite often, and talks too loud, and likes to do the opposite of what I ask of him, but man, is he a sweet-heart. If I speak harshly with him, his feelings get hurt, but he is so quick to forgive me. He LOOOOOVES to give me kisses and hugs, always and everywhere. I am so thankful that I have him in my family and that I get to be his Mama. He is precious.
I am thankful for my dear sweet Gabi! She is such a gentle girl. I am sorry that I am sometimes not as patient with her as I should be. She is always willing to help me in the kitchen, or cleaning up the house, or with her 2 brothers. She wants to please everyone and puts other's needs before her own. She is perfect and beautiful.
I am thankful for Lucas, my littlest angel. His smile blesses me everyday. His hugs and the way he cuddles with me help me be a better person and have hope in the future.
Obrigada Pai Celestial
I am thankful that I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. With this membership I am blessed with friends that I would otherwise never meet. I am also blessed with a support group (I'm thankful that when I need help, if I'm sick, or need to go to a doc apt there are friends that I trust that will watch my children for me).
I am thankful for frienldy faces at the park during the 4th of July.
I am thankful for the body that God has given me. I want to take good care of it, and respect it for two reasons: 1 - so that I can keep learning and enjoying a happy healthy life in this body; the 2nd is so that I can show Heavenly Father my appreciation and gratitude for the body He created for me.
I am so thankful for Tiago's laughter!!! He is such a happy kid, with such a big heart. He gets on my nerves quite often, and talks too loud, and likes to do the opposite of what I ask of him, but man, is he a sweet-heart. If I speak harshly with him, his feelings get hurt, but he is so quick to forgive me. He LOOOOOVES to give me kisses and hugs, always and everywhere. I am so thankful that I have him in my family and that I get to be his Mama. He is precious.
I am thankful for my dear sweet Gabi! She is such a gentle girl. I am sorry that I am sometimes not as patient with her as I should be. She is always willing to help me in the kitchen, or cleaning up the house, or with her 2 brothers. She wants to please everyone and puts other's needs before her own. She is perfect and beautiful.
I am thankful for Lucas, my littlest angel. His smile blesses me everyday. His hugs and the way he cuddles with me help me be a better person and have hope in the future.
Obrigada Pai Celestial
Friday, June 27, 2014
Food addiction; WHAT is it? How to solve it?
I love, love, love all the information on this site... so I copied it :)
(EVERYTHING on this blog entry is from the site listed above, I did not write any of it - but I agree with it all :)
Despite their best intentions, they repeatedly find themselves eating large amounts of unhealthy foods, despite knowing that it is causing them harm.
The truth is… the effects of certain foods on the brain can lead to downright addiction.
Food addiction is a very serious problem and one of the main reasons some people just can’t control themselves around certain foods, no matter how hard they try.
It involves the same areas in the brain, the same neurotransmitters and many of the symptoms are identical (1).
Food addiction is a relatively new (and controversial) term and there are no good statistics available on how common it is.
This is very similar to several other eating disorders, including binge eating disorder, bulimia, compulsive overeating and having an “unhealthy” relationship with food.
The foods that seem to be the most problematic include typical “junk foods,” as well as foods that contain either sugar or wheat, or both.
Food addiction is not about a lack of willpower or anything like that, it is caused by the intense dopamine signal “hijacking” the biochemistry of the brain (3).
There are many studies that support the fact that food addiction is a real problem.
The way this works is pretty complicated, but this short video explains it in human terms:
Here are 8 common symptoms that are typical of food addicts:
Although the term “addiction” is often thrown around lightly, having true addiction is serious business.
I’m a recovering alcoholic, smoker and drug addict with a history of many rehabs, jail more often than I can count and several trips to the emergency room due to overdose.
After I had been sober for several years, I started to develop an addiction to unhealthy foods.
Full-blown addiction. Nothing more, nothing less.
The reason I’m telling you this is to demonstrate that I know how addiction works.
I’m here to tell you that food addiction is the same as addiction to drugs… exactly the same.
The symptoms and thought processes are completely identical. It’s just a different substance and the social consequences aren’t as severe.
Food addiction can cause physical harm. It can lead serious diseases like obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s, arthritis and depression, to name a few.
But you have even bigger reasons to quit than some unfamiliar disease in your distant future. Food addiction is also ruining your life… today.
It breaks your self-esteem, makes you unhappy with your body and can make your life a living hell (like it did for me).
The seriousness of being a food addict can not be overstated. This is a problem that ruins lives and kills people. Literally.
The most important lesson I have ever learned is called the law of addiction:
“Administration of a drug to an addict will cause reestablishment of chemical dependence upon the addictive substance.”
A former smoker who has a puff of a cigarette will become addicted again… instantly.
An alcoholic who has a sip of beer will relapse, with all the horrible consequences that follow.
There is no way of getting around it. This is simply how addiction works.
I am personally convinced that food addiction is no different. One bite of cake, one sip of coke, one “cheat” – that’s all it takes.
Of course, we all need to eat something. Otherwise we’ll die of starvation. But no one needs to eat sugar, refined wheat flour or any of the modern junk foods that people tend to lose control over.
Most food addicts will never be able to eat junk food like “regular” people again. That’s the cold, hard truth.
But if they manage to avoid the “trigger foods,” then they should be able to eat healthy and lose weight without problems.
The truth is… complete abstinence is the only thing that reliably works against addiction. The sooner you accept that, the sooner you will recover.
Although the “everything in moderation” message may work for some people, this advice is a complete disaster for food addicts.
When it comes to addiction, moderation fails. Every time.
This is the simple (but not easy) solution to addiction. Avoiding the addictive substance at all times.
Completely avoiding junk foods may seem impossible.
These foods are everywhere and are a major part of our culture.
But believe me… once you’ve made the decision to never eat them again, avoiding them actually becomes easier.
When you’ve made a firm decision to avoid them completely, then there’s no need for you to justify anything in your head and the cravings may not even show up.
Many people who have done this (including myself) don’t even get cravings anymore, not after they’ve made a profound decision to simply avoid this stuff… permanently.
But if you’re still in doubt and are unsure if this is worth the sacrifice, then write down a list of pros and cons.
If the answer is a resounding “yes” – then you can rest assured that you are doing the right thing.
There are a few things you can do to prepare yourself and make the transition as easy as possible:
Overcoming food addiction is hard enough as it is, by adding hunger and additional restrictions to the mix you will just make things even harder and set yourself up for failure.
Now… set a date, some time in the near future (maybe this weekend or next week).
From this day and onward, you will never touch the addictive foods again. Not a single bite, ever. Period.
If you end up relapsing and losing control over your consumption again, then you’re not alone.
Relapses are the rule when it comes to addiction, not the exception.
Most people have a history of several failed attempts before they manage to succeed in the long run.
That’s how it was for me and most recovering food addicts I know.
But if you relapse often, then there really is no point in trying to do it on your own again. If you’ve failed a hundred times, then the chances of you succeeding when you try it for the 101th time are almost nonexistent.
Luckily, help is not far off…
There are health professionals and support groups that can help you overcome this serious problem.
You can seek professional help… for example from a psychologist or psychiatrist. Try to find someone who has actual experience in dealing with food addiction.
But there are several free options available as well, including 12 step programs like Overeaters Anonymous (OA), GreySheeters Anonymous (GSA), Food Addicts Anonymous (FAA) and Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous (FA).
Just go to their websites, find a meeting (they also have online Skype meetings) and go to it.
Or you can use google to find treatment options in your area. Look for something like “food addiction treatment [name of city]” – chances are that you will find something that suits you.
If you have this problem, then you have to do something about it now, or it will end up ruining your life.
If you’re interested in my full story and a much more detailed version of the instructions above, then go to this page to read my free e-book on food addiction.
I love, love, love all the information on this site... so I copied it :)
(EVERYTHING on this blog entry is from the site listed above, I did not write any of it - but I agree with it all :)
Food Addiction – A Serious Problem With a Simple Solution
article contains detailed information on addiction to food. It explains
exactly what it is, how it works and what you can do to overcome it.
Eating healthy and losing weight seems downright impossible for many people.Despite their best intentions, they repeatedly find themselves eating large amounts of unhealthy foods, despite knowing that it is causing them harm.
The truth is… the effects of certain foods on the brain can lead to downright addiction.
Food addiction is a very serious problem and one of the main reasons some people just can’t control themselves around certain foods, no matter how hard they try.
What is Food Addiction?
Food addiction is, quite simply, being addicted to junk food in the same way as drug addicts are addicted to drugs.It involves the same areas in the brain, the same neurotransmitters and many of the symptoms are identical (1).
Food addiction is a relatively new (and controversial) term and there are no good statistics available on how common it is.
This is very similar to several other eating disorders, including binge eating disorder, bulimia, compulsive overeating and having an “unhealthy” relationship with food.
How This Works
Processed junk foods have a powerful effect on the “reward” centers in the brain, involving brain neurotransmitters like dopamine (2).The foods that seem to be the most problematic include typical “junk foods,” as well as foods that contain either sugar or wheat, or both.
Food addiction is not about a lack of willpower or anything like that, it is caused by the intense dopamine signal “hijacking” the biochemistry of the brain (3).
There are many studies that support the fact that food addiction is a real problem.
The way this works is pretty complicated, but this short video explains it in human terms:
8 Symptoms of Food Addiction
There is no blood test available to diagnose food addiction. Just like with other addictions, it is based on behavioral symptoms.Here are 8 common symptoms that are typical of food addicts:
- You frequently get cravings for certain foods, despite feeling full and having just finished a nutritious meal.
- When you give in and start eating a food you were craving, you often find yourself eating much more than you intended to.
- When you eat a food you were craving, you sometimes eat to the point of feeling excessively “stuffed.”
- You often feel guilty after eating particular foods, yet find yourself eating them again soon after.
- You sometimes make excuses in your head about why you should eat something that you are craving.
- You have repeatedly tried to quit eating or setting rules (includes cheat meals/days) about certain foods, but been unsuccessful.
- You often hide your consumption of unhealthy foods from others.
- You feel unable to control your consumption of unhealthy foods, despite knowing that they are causing you physical harm (includes weight gain).
Food Addiction is a Serious Problem
Although the term “addiction” is often thrown around lightly, having true addiction is serious business.
I’m a recovering alcoholic, smoker and drug addict with a history of many rehabs, jail more often than I can count and several trips to the emergency room due to overdose.
After I had been sober for several years, I started to develop an addiction to unhealthy foods.
Full-blown addiction. Nothing more, nothing less.
The reason I’m telling you this is to demonstrate that I know how addiction works.
I’m here to tell you that food addiction is the same as addiction to drugs… exactly the same.
The symptoms and thought processes are completely identical. It’s just a different substance and the social consequences aren’t as severe.
Food addiction can cause physical harm. It can lead serious diseases like obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s, arthritis and depression, to name a few.
But you have even bigger reasons to quit than some unfamiliar disease in your distant future. Food addiction is also ruining your life… today.
It breaks your self-esteem, makes you unhappy with your body and can make your life a living hell (like it did for me).
The seriousness of being a food addict can not be overstated. This is a problem that ruins lives and kills people. Literally.
The Law of Addiction – Why You May Never be Able to Eat “Normally” Again
The most important lesson I have ever learned is called the law of addiction:
“Administration of a drug to an addict will cause reestablishment of chemical dependence upon the addictive substance.”
A former smoker who has a puff of a cigarette will become addicted again… instantly.
An alcoholic who has a sip of beer will relapse, with all the horrible consequences that follow.
There is no way of getting around it. This is simply how addiction works.
I am personally convinced that food addiction is no different. One bite of cake, one sip of coke, one “cheat” – that’s all it takes.
Of course, we all need to eat something. Otherwise we’ll die of starvation. But no one needs to eat sugar, refined wheat flour or any of the modern junk foods that people tend to lose control over.
Most food addicts will never be able to eat junk food like “regular” people again. That’s the cold, hard truth.
But if they manage to avoid the “trigger foods,” then they should be able to eat healthy and lose weight without problems.
The truth is… complete abstinence is the only thing that reliably works against addiction. The sooner you accept that, the sooner you will recover.
Although the “everything in moderation” message may work for some people, this advice is a complete disaster for food addicts.
When it comes to addiction, moderation fails. Every time.
This is the simple (but not easy) solution to addiction. Avoiding the addictive substance at all times.
How to Know if This is Worth The Sacrifice
Completely avoiding junk foods may seem impossible.
These foods are everywhere and are a major part of our culture.
But believe me… once you’ve made the decision to never eat them again, avoiding them actually becomes easier.
When you’ve made a firm decision to avoid them completely, then there’s no need for you to justify anything in your head and the cravings may not even show up.
Many people who have done this (including myself) don’t even get cravings anymore, not after they’ve made a profound decision to simply avoid this stuff… permanently.
But if you’re still in doubt and are unsure if this is worth the sacrifice, then write down a list of pros and cons.
- Pros might include: I’ll lose weight, I’ll live longer, I’ll have more energy and feel better every day, etc.
- Cons might include: I won’t be able to eat ice cream with my family, no cookies on Christmas, I might have to explain my food choices… (Most of these social dilemmas can be solved easily).
If the answer is a resounding “yes” – then you can rest assured that you are doing the right thing.
Prepare Yourself and Set a Date
There are a few things you can do to prepare yourself and make the transition as easy as possible:
- Trigger Foods: Write down a list of the foods you tend to crave and/or binge on. These are the “trigger foods” you need to avoid completely.
- Fast Food Places: Write down a list of fast food places that serve healthy foods. This is important and can prevent a relapse when you find yourself hungry and not in the mood to cook.
- What to Eat: Think about what foods you’re going to eat. Preferably healthy foods that you like and are already eating regularly.
- Pros and Cons: Consider making several copies of your “pros and cons” list. Keep a copy in your kitchen, glove compartment and purse/wallet. Sometimes you will need a reminder about why you’re doing this.
Overcoming food addiction is hard enough as it is, by adding hunger and additional restrictions to the mix you will just make things even harder and set yourself up for failure.
Now… set a date, some time in the near future (maybe this weekend or next week).
From this day and onward, you will never touch the addictive foods again. Not a single bite, ever. Period.
When All Else Fails… Seek Help
If you end up relapsing and losing control over your consumption again, then you’re not alone.
Relapses are the rule when it comes to addiction, not the exception.
Most people have a history of several failed attempts before they manage to succeed in the long run.
That’s how it was for me and most recovering food addicts I know.
But if you relapse often, then there really is no point in trying to do it on your own again. If you’ve failed a hundred times, then the chances of you succeeding when you try it for the 101th time are almost nonexistent.
Luckily, help is not far off…
There are health professionals and support groups that can help you overcome this serious problem.
You can seek professional help… for example from a psychologist or psychiatrist. Try to find someone who has actual experience in dealing with food addiction.
But there are several free options available as well, including 12 step programs like Overeaters Anonymous (OA), GreySheeters Anonymous (GSA), Food Addicts Anonymous (FAA) and Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous (FA).
Just go to their websites, find a meeting (they also have online Skype meetings) and go to it.
Or you can use google to find treatment options in your area. Look for something like “food addiction treatment [name of city]” – chances are that you will find something that suits you.
Whatever You Do, Do Something!
Food addiction is a problem that will rarely resolve on its own. Unless you deal with it, chances are that it will just get worse over time.If you have this problem, then you have to do something about it now, or it will end up ruining your life.
If you’re interested in my full story and a much more detailed version of the instructions above, then go to this page to read my free e-book on food addiction.
Thursday, May 1, 2014
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