I read today that for real spiritual change to happen you need to keep a new habit for 40 days... and something related to the fact that Jesus fasted for 40 days.
So, I'm going to give it a try :)
We'll see if I keep up with it or if this will be another one of those 'goals' of mine where I start on fire, and 3 to 5 days later forget all about it!?!?!
Gratitude list:
-I'm so thankful that I now have 3 children. There was a time when I thought that I could never handle 3; the thought of having 3 scared me - it meant more kids than grown-ups in the house, it also meant another year or more of very little sleeping, of trying to figure out the needs of a human being that can't use words to express himself (Tiago and Gabi are at least able to tell me their basic needs now), and the list goes on - but what I'm trying to accomplish here is listing the GOOD STUFF right? Anyway, Lucas is an Angel, a blessing, a unique opportunity for me to grow. He gives me so much more than he takes. And although it has been a sacrifice (of my emotional well being, sleep, body, time, money, etc) it's been so worthwhile, so magical and so GOOOOOOOD.
-I'm thankful for good friends- the type that really care, that make me feel comfortable with showing my imperfections/doubts/fears/insecurities/shortcomings. I 'KNOW' so many people, and believe I'm loved by many, but I don't have a whole lot of friends that I can really just call 2 or 3 times a year and talk for hours on the phone as if we had stayed in touch every single day. Some of the good friends I am thankful for at this moment are Jay, Erin, Danelle, Vania, Mae, Pai.
-I'm so grateful for the Lords kindness and for the miracles that keep happening in our lives; namely the divine guidance in finding our new home. The location, the size, the price, the backyard, the layout of the house, the timing... everything is perfect, a complete miracle/blessing from my Kind Father who loves me. Not that my life is perfect and free from pain or worry; but sometimes the Lord is so kind to me that I actually have a hard time believing in what is happening. He is so good!
- I'm thankful for Mae e Pai. There were times, when I was growing up that I asked Father why I had to have been born to these parents. I didn't understand them and it seemed like they didn't understand me. But oh how that has changed. They are not perfect, yet they are perfect for me. I am thankful that I get to talk to them almost daily through skype. they are my parents and they are my friends.
-I'm thankful that Jay knows about my weaknesses and still loves me. And that we have the type of relationship where we don't use each-other's faults to...
-I'm thankful for the gift of hearing - I LOOOOOOOVE hearing the girly, sweet voice of Gabi, the baby boy laughter of Lucas, and the little boy screams of Tiago. I love listening to calm music and to the birds outside my bathroom window every single morning. Jay sees patients every day that have some type of hearing loss. I will be thankful for my hearing for as long as I hear :)
- I am so thankful for my Maesinha's sense of humor. I'll tell her something simple that happened in my day and she'll just laugh, and laugh... it makes me smile when I hear her laugh. I pray that Father will soon bless me with the same type of sense of humor that my Mother has.
I think that's all for today. Before going to bed I want to meditate for a little while, look at my vision board and say some positive affirmations.
Life is good!
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