Sunday, July 31, 2011

my blessing

My foot has been hurting for the last 8 or 9 months. It seems like I have plantar fasciitis but we're not sure because I haven't been to a docotr because I don't have health insurance.
I LOOOOOOVE doing zumba and I am so happy that I was given the opportunity to teach boot camp (and now I'm even going to get certified, AFAA) but my foot keeps bothering me and having it hurt takes the fun out of exercising and makes me not want to work harder in fear of further hurting myself...
So today paguei o dizimo (generoso) e a oferta de jejum($300) e pedi uma bencao do Br. Ritchie.
Notes from the blessing:
-be disciplined about how much sleep you get and also about what food you eat
-eat food high in antioxidants like blueberries and other berries
-you have been like a 'savior' to your family and Father is very pleased and will continue blessing youfor it
-keep putting your role as a wife and as a mother as a priority
-a prayer of faith will bring you blessings. Keep praying, have faith and Father will hear your blessings and answer them
-reading the scriptures (regularly) will help bring happiness to your life, and so will attending the Temple - in other words- exercising is not the only way for you to feel uplifted- read your scriptures
-testify to the children in your nursery
-share the gospel while you are in Portugal, and be an example so people can actually see the light of Christ in you and know that the gospel brings you happiness - people in Portugal will be able to see a difference in you
-Father loves you

I love my Savior Jesus Christ, and my Father in Heaven. I know that Father will help me recover my health. I have faith.

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