Saturday, August 31, 2013

"What you are seeking, is seeking you"

A poet once said:
"What  you are seeking, is seeking you".

This has proven to be real and true in my life.
When I have my eyes open to see misbehaved, needy children that is exactly how my children behave. When I seek to see happy, well mannered, kind to each other children; then my kids play the part and we have a wonderful day together.
I believe we are surrounded by energy and the energy that goes out from us attracts the same vibration, the same light or darkness, the same positiveness or negativeness, generosity or selfishness, abundance or lack...
Today I talked to my Father for a long time (my Father in Heaven). I told Him that I'm tired of feeling blue and depressed. I want the post-partum depression to be lifted, to leave me, to disappear. I want to go back to being the ol' Ninhas, my old self. The one that laughs, smiles, loves, jumps, is passionate about virtually everything, moves her body, hugs others, plays with her children, etc.
It almost feels like I've seen life in the past with exciting and vibrating colors, and smells, and that now not only are the colors and smells not vibrant but I'm actually living a black and white life.
Father, help me. Be with me. Show me the way. And I promise I'll do my best to have the courage to take all the steps in the right direction.

Love to all,

Marie Forleo - a great gal

So many times I have so many different things, thoughts, emotions, ideas, projects, dreams, and goals going through my head that it's hard to express it, put it in words or try to explain it to others. Not just that, but my 'fear' or being judged harshly or criticized by other (who cannot see what's in my heart) has always kind of paralyzed me.
I know I have a mission in this life. I know it involves more than just motherhood. I know it's something bright, fun, inspiring and beautiful. I need to move forward and to take the steps that I'm supposed and meant to take. And instead of thinking: "I need to be brave"; I'll say: "I am brave, and I have all I need to get going with my mission.
Marie Forleo is a really cool lady that inspires LOTS of people, and in one interview she mentioned the following:

What are your top three career advice tips?
1. Outrageous success comes from thinking different, being different and having the confidence to always do what feels right in your heart.
2. Stay on your hustle & have patience. Focus on long-term success not a short-term ego trip.
3. Remember that nothing has meaning except for the meaning you give to it. Why not interpret everything as a gift?

Life is wonderful. I love and I am loved.


Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Mosiah 4:27 And see that all these things are done in wisdom and order; for it is not requisite that a man should run faster than he has strength. And again, it is expedient that he should be diligent, that thereby he might win the prize; therefore, all things must be done in order.

"I have a new project" she wrote, 'one chapter a day from each of the standard works. I have been on it for 4 days and am only 3 days behind. Better to have tried and failed than never to have tried." - Sis. Hinckley (Pres. Gordon B. Hinckley's wife)
This is my attitude toward life now a days. More often than not we're just too hard on ourselves.

So, I really meant to write down a list of things I'm thankful for every day and to write about my daily meditation... then I went on vacation, wasn't around a computer... and didn't do it (I kept up with meditation). For a little bit I felt like a looser for not being able to keep my commitment.... and then... I disregarded those feelings and told myself: It's fine, it's totally OK! Who cares anyway? I am grateful and I have been giving my "gratitude list" to my Father in Heaven daily - THAT's what counts.
Life is great! 

"Age is no longer the primary factor that determines where you are on the map.
Life is now less about how old you are and more about when you decide to live... Regardless of your age or station in life, it all comes down to one simple truth:
you just have to start."