Give What You Want to Receive
And I’d even venture to say that you are worthy of them.
Now you may not be attracting what you want...or at least as fast as you would like, right?
James Allen, author of legendary book, “As A Man Thinketh” has taught that “we attract what we are, not what we want.”
Read that again...we attract what we are, not what we want.
I read this to interpret that having what we want in life has everything to do with how we’re being, how we’re showing up, the mirror effect, or even perhaps the concept of karma at play.
All too often when we are in a “wanting” stage - we start to feel anxious, sometimes even desperate for that very thing to happen, to come to us. We turn from anticipation to anguish, which energetically we’re putting off the wrong vibe - make sense?
So in applying James Allen’s wisdom, to attract what we want, we must be what we want....and I believe the fastest way to get there is to give what we want to receive.
Let’s say we want more love & appreciation from our significant other, a parent, a friend - what if we proactively offered that love & appreciation...?
Or what if we’d like to feel more financially wealthy & abundant? Perhaps we take food to the local shelter, buy someone a bagel behind us in line, or write a gratitude list for the current comforts we have...?
In other words, we model abundance as if that is already our life.
Ivin Misner, BNI International Founder, calls it “Give to Gain.”
When we show up with value, we get valued.
See, what I’m really suggesting is that we proactively become the result, the energetic karmic match for what you’re wanting to experience in your, income, sales, peace, etc.
So what will you do today?
- Compliment your spouse? Fix their favorite meal? Tuck a sweet note in their book?
- Buy someone a gift, rake the neighbors leaves, or donate to your local food bank?
- Send a referral to a friend? Endorse someone’s services you’re pleased with?
- Think kinder thoughts, forgive, allow others - especially YOURSELF - off the perfectionistic police path?
You are worthy of your desires...go simply be the desire for someone else and watch the magic happen.
To receive your own free ebook copy of “As a Man Thinketh” by James Allen you can go to
Question for U?
Do you know what you want out of life?
contents of this entry taken mostly from