Wednesday, October 31, 2012

How much oil should I use?

I hear it all the time...
“How much oil do I use?”
“How often should I use it?”
“Where do I put it?”

The answers are straightforward, yet not well defined.

Essential oils are not like medications. More often is almost always better. For simplicity we will imagine essential oils as if they were food (cinnamon, basil, oregano, lemon... hmmm.. not too far off!). When we are hungry: we eat. When we are full: we stop. At first, it might be hard to know when you reach that point with an essential oil. But I promise, you will get there eventually!

The quantity of each application is not as important as the frequency of putting it on. Just like during our day, we don’t begin with a huge meal and call it good. We must take one bite at a time, and eat throughout our day. In fact, a new trend in dieting is to eat mini-meals for losing weight AND staying healthy.
It is important to note that 1 drop of peppermint essential oil is equivalent to 28 cups of peppermint tea. 1 drop goes a LONG way.

General guide for my family:
1 drop or less, topically (diluting is wonderful for my sensitive skinned boys)
Every 1-2 hours if we are sick (until better).
Every 2-3 hours for anything chronic we are working on (until symptoms abate).
1-2 times a day for our daily oils that help us feel good (citrus oils, calming oils, concentrations oils).

2-3 drops in a capsule
Every 1-2 hours if we are sick (until better).
Every 2-3 hours for anything chronic or routine we are working on (until symptoms abate).

We love back rubs (especially at night right down the spine) and we end up using 3-10 drops for those.

Where to put them? Where to put them! Well that’s just up to you! I’ve told you how often we use them, and even how I use them. But we switch it around quite a bit. There are all kinds of different reasons to do one over the other (internal, topical, or aromatic), but in reality, you want it in your bloodstream and its going to get there any of those three ways.

Topically, use them: on location, bottom of the feet, down the spine (my favorite), on the chest (over heart), or around the ears.
Internally: let’s keep AWAY from in the ears, and in the eyes. Empty veggie capsules are great for getting doTERRA CPTG oils internally.
Aromatically: you can create a personally inhaler with the palms of your hands, diffuse in the air with a diffuser, use a personal inhaler (or “sniffy” is what I like to call it), or spritz it in the air with a mist bottle.

Using essential oils needs to become very intuitive for you. So as you use them, and follow friends and mentors suggestions, start to think about how YOU like to use them best, and how YOU feel after each use.

Karen Abeggle (doTERRA IPC)

Saturday, October 27, 2012


"The GOAL isn't 
to live forever.
The GOAL is 
to create something 
that will."

Your words and thoughts have physical power - Will Smith

Good stuff! Really good stuff. I just love it when I find other people who are passionate about  whatever it is that they want to pursuit. I love hearing about things that are and have been in my subconscious because in a way it materializes my thoughts, it puts a voice on them.
I know who I am and it is such a breath of fresh air to find other people who know who they are (whether or not it coincides with my beliefs).
There is a purpose for life.
There is a reason behind what happens to us, for us, at us, around us.
There is a huge universe, an infinite universe... and even though we are tiny, even though we are one, just one, each of us; we ARE. We matter. And we MAKE A DIFFERENCE. We act and as we act we create reactions, effects.
I love it how Will explains the difference between talent and skill. We create who we end up being. A person isn't born successful, or happy, or lucky... I really DISLIKE (want to avoid saying hate) it when people use the excuse: "I'm just not a smart person (or lucky, or thin, or happy, or good at...). Whatever!!!!! YOU are whatever you make of yourself!!! If you think you're not ----- then WORK on becoming -----. Work on it, train, read about it, practice it, learn it but don't just sit on your butt feeling sad for yourself and using the excuse: "I was born this way".
Focus on what  you want and then WORK to get it. And by the way, don't wait for, or expect encouragement from others. Just find the encouragement you need inside yourself. Or, if you're like me, find it inside of yourself and find it in your Heavenly Father - the one who created you knows who you are and wants you to become THE BEST you can be.
Life    is    good.

Thank you Julia Holt, for sharing this video - you tend to share things on FB that I really like : )
Funny side note: I didn't mean to post the video twice, but I've tried to delete the second one and nothing is working, so, hey, I get the SAME cool video on ONE post TWICE! : )

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Medicine Cabinet Makeover, and Croup!!!

The Essential Oils are such a natural, safe way to take care of our little ones, without any side effects, risk of addiction or overdose, etc. In our family we have made the decision to always try a natrual approach to health care before reaching for synthetic medicine, and this has worked really well for us.

To see how you can replace your medicine cabinet with natural alternatives check out this link:
Makeover #2 – Medicine Cabinet

One of our recent experiences with the oils:

 Tiago got Croup right at the beginning of the school year.
Croup is "a throat condition, occurring usually in children, characterized by a hoarse cough and laboured breathing, resulting from inflammation and partial obstruction of the larynx". Both Gabi and Tiago have had this in previous years. The cough sounds horrible, wakes them up at night and (in the past) made me feel so, so sad and worried about my little ones. This time around I felt Empowered. We immediately started applying On Guard on the soles of his feet, and massaging Breathe on his little chest. At night we put the diffuser right by his bed and diffused Breathe as well. Believe it or not, he was completely symptom free in 2 days!!!

Application Techniques
Use at the onset of cold, flu, and congestion. Apply topically with thorough massage to the back, neck, shoulders, chest, and feet. Combine with hot compresses for best results. Use cup and inhale or diffuse when possible and carry a tissue cup on the go.
For young children or infants, use a carrier oil like fractionated coconut oil, apply with massage to chest and back, and cover with clothing or socks after finishing.
This blend can be helpful in a bath using salts or a dispersing agent. During a steamy hot shower, plug the drain for a few minutes and use several drops with a wash cloth in the bath area. 
Blend Ingredients
Eucalyptus radiata
Laurel leaf
Melaleuca alternfolia
This Blend Addresses
Cold and flu
Respiratory stress

Application Techniques
Editor's note:  doTERRA makes a number of products to make it easier to use the On Guard blend.  These include throat drops, hand wipes, and a foaming hand wash with a push top dispenser.  Click here for more information about these products.
Apply to surfaces to kill germs and pathogens. Diffuse in rooms to provide immune support and to rid the area of bacteria, viruses, mold, and fungi.
Apply topically with massage to feet, back, neck and shoulders to offer immune support.
Apply with lymphatic massage at the onset of or during illness. The oils included in this type of blend are GRAS.
Take 2-3 drops per day orally for 3 days prior to surgery and apply with massage to strengthen immune system and guard against infection.
Take orally with honey, agave, or juice at the onset of nagging symptoms of cold, flu, and viruses.
At the onset of sore throat or to fight laryngitis, place 2-3 drops in ¼ cup of water, gargle, swish and pull for 5 minutes, then spit. Take 2 drops internally.
Add 2-3 drops of protection blend and 1 drop of Lemon in 1 tablespoon of olive oil and take internally every hour up to 8 hours while relief comes from gallbladder attacks. One can apply similarly using digestive blends.
Add several drops to distilled water in a spray bottle and use the mixture to disinfect surfaces in the kitchen and bathroom.

Blend Ingredients
Clove bud
Wild Orange
This Blend Addresses
Immune system support
Topical disinfectant

Information on the oils taken directly from:

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Human Angels

It's been said that everlasting friends can go long periods of time without speaking and never question their friendship. These friends pick up phones like they just spoke yesterday, regardless of how long it has been or how far away they live, and they don't hold grudges. They understand that life is busy and that you will always love them. They don't just wait for you to ask for help - they show up and say "I'm here to help"
I have been blessed with a few friends like this. Good people who bless my life with their genuine love, concern and support
Friends that are nothing less than Human Angels.

If you've never failled, you've never lived